
*Rishikesh- Honor ceremony organized at Saraswati Vidya Mandir Inter College Awas Vikas*

JANADHAR NEWS July 12, 2024
The fourth pillar of democracy, journalists, were honored in the honor ceremony program organized at Saraswati Vidya Mandir Inter College located in Awas Vikas Rishikesh. All the journalists were presented with a shawl and a memento. The program was organized in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the school.

The honor ceremony was started with lighting a lamp on the picture of Maa Sharada and Saraswati Vandana.
Journalists made the children present in Vivekanand Auditorium aware of the nuances of journalism and told them how journalism is done, how to make a career in journalism and how to convey news of the country and abroad to the people seriously.

On this occasion, the Principal of the school, Umakant Pant, in his address said that journalism is a difficult field. Any journalist, without worrying about adverse circumstances, puts his life at stake and conveys every information to the common people. A journalist keeps a keen eye on all the activities of the society and the country and abroad and works to make people aware through news by depicting contemporary, historical, geographical events through words in a very beautiful manner.

On this occasion, the media in-charge of the school, Narendra Khurana, told that he himself is handling the responsibility of media in-charge of 8-10 organizations, so he got the opportunity to know the nuances of this world. With the support of the media and his experience, he wants to do some better efforts for the students of the school.

Among the journalists who were honored were Harish Tiwari, Manohar Kala, Jaikumar Tiwari, Durganand Nautiyal, Deepak Narang, Sagar, Ankur Agarwal.

On this occasion, all the students, teachers and the entire school family were present in the Vivekanand auditorium.

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