
*Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign by Himalayan Hospital Jollygrant*

Janadhar News-02-NOV-2023-Doiwala- Himalayan Hospital, Jolly Grant organized an awareness camp at Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Rishikesh to make girl students aware about breast cancer. Various competitions were also organized in the program. The experts of the hospital gave information to the girl students about the symptoms and prevention of breast cancer.

The Nursing Quality and CNE team of Himalayan Hospital in collaboration with the Palliative and Supportive Care department of CRI organized a Breast Cancer Awareness Program at Saraswati Vidya Mandir. More than 400 school girls participated in it. In the program, Deputy Nursing Superintendent of Himalayan Hospital, Jaibunisha, Dr. Pooja and Dr. Shija of Cancer Research Institute (CRI) informed the students about the misconceptions, symptoms and prevention related to breast cancer. Experts told the students that if there is a lump in the breast, do not ignore it. Breast cancer ranks first among the cancer cases in women worldwide. The only reason for this is awareness and hesitation among women. Program coordinator Mridula Sundriyal said that the month of October is celebrated as the month of breast cancer awareness across the world. During this, Sukhwinder Kaur, Swati Solanki, Shivani Bhatti, Tanuja and Sunita Kumar distributed cancer awareness pamphlets and meritorious Kandwal and Rakhi Sharma pink ribbons to the girl students. Principal of Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Umakant Pant said that such an event will create awareness among the girl students.

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