
*Minister Aggarwal distributed relief amount checks to 129 disaster affected people in Miranagar*

Janadhar News, Rishikesh 07 November 2023
By-Anurag Tiwari –
Regional MLA and Cabinet Minister Dr. Premchand Aggarwal distributed relief checks of about Rs 03 lakh 22 thousand to 129 affected families in Mira Nagar ward number 30 due to the disaster that occurred in August last month. He told that checks are being given to seven thousand affected people in Rishikesh assembly constituency. Told that they are being compensated according to the damage caused in the disaster. Said that relief amount has also been given to the families of those who lost their lives in the disaster.

In the program organized in Mira Nagar, Minister Dr. Aggarwal said that due to extremely heavy rainfall in the month of August, a lot of damage was seen in Rishikesh Assembly during inspection.

Dr. Aggarwal said that he had also taken stock of the damage caused in rural and urban areas on the spot and told that instructions had also been given to the administrative officials on the spot to assess the loss and give compensation amount.

Dr. Aggarwal said that the government stands with the people in times of disaster. Praising the people of Chandreshwar Nagar and other areas, he said that in times of disaster, everyone remained patient and helped each other. On the spot, Dr. Aggarwal distributed disaster relief checks worth Rs 03 lakh 22 thousand to 129 disaster affected families in Ward No. 30.

On this occasion, Tehsildar Chaman, Councilor Sundari Kandwal, former Board President Arvind Chaudhary, Sangeeta Kukreti, Vineeta Bisht, Ved Prakash Kaparwan, Ramesh Chand Sharma, Maya Ghale etc. were present.

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